Showing posts with label Graphics Design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Graphics Design. Show all posts

Sunday 4 March 2018

Logo Design contest

there is two logo design in Adobe Illustrator for freelancer logo contest

logo design for small massage therapist business with ambitions: via @freelancer Contests

Friday 12 January 2018

Empty wine cup by Pashto Poet Ghani Khan

Intikhab from Best Pashto Poet Khan Abdul Ghani Khan Poetry Book Kuliyat Ghani

تش جام

هغه څه ساقي وي
   چه ئے تش شراب وي جام کښے

نه ورکئ خمار دَ سترګو
رنګ دَ سرو لبانو

دَادَ دوزخ اوور وي
چه تش سوےوي رڼانه وي

دا هغه کافر دے
چه خطبے لولي ماښام کښے

دادَ ازغو جاړه دګلاب
خو ګلاب نه لري

دا لوګو وهلے سيخ
تيکه او کباب نه لري

شراب چه خمار نه لري

څه هغه بنده وي
چه جنون او دلدار نه لري

هغه دَ څه سيند وي
چه غولئے او ابشار نه لري

هغه څه مومن وي
چه مستي دَکافر نه لري

څه وي هغه سترګے
چه دَ مينے نظر نه لري

هغه دعا څه وي 
چه شړنګار او شڼا نه لري

زهر زهر زهر دي
شراب چه خمار نه لري

What is the man  alcohol is just in the jam?

Wednesday 10 January 2018

Photo Retouching Finishing and Color correction

If you want to same finish your image it's free JUST follow blogs and subscribe YT channel and mail your image below address, I will send back after 24th hours in finish your image

Photoshop image retouching and finishing with color correction

Before Correction and After Color Correction, Background Remove, Photo Finishing and Retouching